Can “nesting” be a living solution for our family post-divorce?

Don't Make A Move Without Knowing Your Options

Can “nesting” be a living solution for our family post-divorce?

No matter how amicable the divorce is, the process is usually difficult on everybody involved, including the children. Many conscientious parents worry about the potentially deleterious effects that divorce can have on the kids. Fortunately, there are a multitude of ways to mitigate the negative effects.

Experimenting with alternative living situations is one such way to help your children adjust to divorce. According to Psychology Today, one of these living arrangements is nesting.

How does it work?

In the typical post-divorce co-parenting situation, the parents set up separate households. The children then move between these households according to the custody schedule.

Nesting is the opposite of this. Rather than the children doing the moving, the parents do it. Nesting involves the children living in a family home 100% of the time, and the parents are the ones who move according to the schedule.

Is it right for us?

Particularly if you choose to nest in your current family home, nesting can provide a high level of stability for your children. They do not need to move, and they will be able to continue going to their current school. In the event that you live in a high cost of living area, you may find that nesting is the only realistic way to keep your children in the same school district.

Nesting requires a high amount of communication between the co-parents to make it work. After all, you will still be maintaining a joint family home, which means managing bills and repairs. If you and your ex-spouse are not on good terms, it is unlikely you will be able to make a nesting situation work.
