
Don't Make A Move Without Knowing Your Options

Knowledgeable Divorce Attorneys in Newark, CA

Divorce is a trying time for any individual.

At CC LawGroup, A Professional Corporation, we work with clients of all ages and stations in life who are contemplating divorce, going through divorce or living with its aftermath. Our divorce attorney’s in Newark strive to help our clients retain their, support, assets, property and visitation rights, so they can move on with their lives.

For more information or for a consultation with a divorce attorney or spousal support and marriage dissolution, contact us in Newark, California, at 510-402-1579.

Marriage Dissolution With a Minimum of Damage

We advise divorcing clients to reach an out-of-court settlement when possible.

When executed effectively, such divorces typically cost less, create less animosity between parties and cause less trauma for children than contested divorces. Often, parties need not appear in court or even spend time in the same room. To achieve an agreeable marriage dissolution, our law firm in Newark can assist parties in negotiating:

When divorce terms are agreed upon, it is much more likely that both parties and their children will be able to move on with their lives.

Fremont Collaborative Divorce Attorney

CC LawGroup, A Professional Corporation pursues a wide variety of peaceful divorce practices, including collaborative divorce, uncontested divorce and mediated divorce. With the help of an experienced divorce attorney in Newark, these methods can help you dissolve a marriage with the best possible outcome for you and your loved ones:

  • Collaborative divorce: Collaborative divorce can occur when both parties agree on fundamental financial and child-related issues out of court and employ attorneys to help reach compromises on important issues rather than act as adversaries.
  • Uncontested divorce: If you and your spouse have already agreed to most if not all the terms, we can assist you in formalizing and completing your dissolution in an uncontested manner. If your marriage is one of less than five years, have no children, and have little assets, then we can assist you in a summary dissolution.
  • Mediated divorce: Our local Newark divorce attorneys help clients come to divorce agreements with the aid of a neutral private judge or mediator. Much like a collaborative divorce, parties are encouraged to explain their needs; however, instead of airing your case in a public courtroom, you can hire us as a private judge to adjudicate your case in private. We can also assist as a mediator to guide the two of you into settlement.

What if We Can’t Agree?

Sometimes, differences are so great between divorcing individuals that agreement is not possible. Sometimes, allegations of physical or sexual abuse make a court case inevitable. In such situations, our law office can pursue a contested divorce aggressively with the tools provided by California law.

Our divorce attorneys in Newark can also help you achieve a post-divorce modification of your divorce decree to reflect a change in income, child care or living arrangements. Because California is a “no-fault” divorce state, it is possible for you to get a divorce even with an unwilling participant to the divorce process.

Your Partners in the Divorce Process

While most lawyers are competent, it is important to choose one who will listen to your concerns, understand your goals and advocate vigorously for them at the negotiating table or in court.

At CC LawGroup, A Professional Corporation, we take pains to understand your needs and find ways to realize them in the most realistic way possible. We don’t sell you a false sense of “you can do this you can do that” but rather a fact-based reality of what makes sense and can work, not just what looks good on “paper.” We consider ourselves your partner in the divorce process and will work with you towards your goals in a realistic manner.

For more information about our approach to divorce and our experience, call our Newark divorce attorney today at 510-402-1579.